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品牌: 春晨
型号: JHXG
规格: 1-500
25: 33
单价: 10.00元/米
起订: 100 米
供货总量: 10000 米
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 江苏 淮安市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2023-01-08 10:47
浏览次数: 447
Technical conditions for ground potential operation
只要人体与带电体保持足够的安全距离,有足够的空气间隙,且采用绝缘性能良好的工具,通过人体的泄漏电流和电容电流都非常小(微安级),这样小的电流对人体毫无影响,因此,足以保证作业人员的安全。地电位作业法为接地体→人体→ 绝缘体→带电体,人体与接地体基本处于同一电位上,例如:带电测绝缘子零值、 带电挑异物等都属于地电位作业项目。
As long as the human body keeps enough safety distance from the electrified body, there is enough air gap, and the tools with good insulation performance are used, the leakage current and capacitance current passing through the human body are very small (microampere level), so the small current has no impact on the human body, so it is enough to ensure the safety of the operators. The ground potential operation method is grounding body → human body → insulator → electrified body. The human body and grounding body are basically at the same potential. For example, electrified insulator zero value measurement, electrified pick-up of foreign matters, etc. are all ground potential operation items.
However, it must be pointed out that the performance of insulating tools is directly related to the safety of operators. If the surface of insulating tools is dirty or the internal and external surfaces are damp, the leakage current will increase dramatically. When it is increased above the perceptual current of human body, there will be an electric shock or even an electric shock accident. Therefore, the tool surface should be kept dry and clean during use, and properly kept to prevent moisture. In addition, for the operation with higher voltage level, due to the high strength of electric field and serious electrostatic induction, measures should be taken to protect the electric field. For example, when working on the live line tower with voltage level of 330kV and above and the substation structure, the ground potential operation shall also wear anti-static induction measures such as electrostatic induction protective clothing and conductive shoes, and the 220kV line tower operation shall wear conductive shoes

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