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品牌: 春晨
型号: JBQ
规格: 1-185
25: 33
单价: 10.00元/米
起订: 100 米
供货总量: 10000 米
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 江苏 淮安市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-09-21 10:32
浏览次数: 614
Influence of strong electric field on human health
The influence of power frequency strong electric field on human body can be divided into short-term effect and long-term effect. How serious is the long-term effect of power frequency strong electric field on human body? It is a very concerned problem for live working personnel. It has been debated for many years in the world. In 1972, the Soviet Union proposed at the international power grid conference that the workers who were often exposed to high electric fields had neurological and cardiovascular functional diseases. This report caused great anxiety in the world. Subsequently, some countries (including China) have conducted extensive research on the physiological effects of high electric field on human body. At the 1980 international power grid conference, the conference issued a conclusion that there was no impact on human health.
1982年,世界健康组织的关于输电系统产生的电磁场对人体健康影响的工作组 织发表了如下声明:
In 1982, the World Health Organization's working group on the effects of electromagnetic fields generated by power transmission systems on Human Health issued the following statement:
The experimental results show that the field strength up to 20kV / M is not harmful to health.
The long-term observation on the staff of high-voltage substation and transmission line did not find any adverse effect on health.
The research conclusions of Wuhan Institute of higher learning, Wuhan Tongji Medical University and Hubei UHV bureau are as follows:
When the field strength of the test device is 40kV / M (equivalent to the field strength of the staff under the existing power transmission and transformation station), no effect on the physiology of animals was found.
If the field strength is increased to 100kV / m, it will have an impact on animal physiology.
From the dynamic observation of the health status of the workers in the UHV electric field and the hygienic investigation results in the 500kV transmission line corridor, no ecological impact was found.

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