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Mega 卡通造型制作插件 - Mega Shape 1.4.1

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-06-05  浏览次数:81234
内容摘要:不需要借助3dsmax或是其他的 3d软件免费下载 ,Mega Shape可以让我们快速在Unity里面完成卡通场景的设计,对于不是很擅长使用3D软件的开发人员来说,Mega Shape的操作方便性绝对超乎想象! Making a racing game? No problem with Mega-Shapes. Draw a path fo

 不需要借助3dsmax或是其他的3d软件免费下载,Mega Shape可以让我们快速在Unity里面完成卡通场景的设计,对于不是很擅长使用3D软件的开发人员来说,Mega Shape的操作方便性绝对超乎想象!

Making a racing game? No problem with Mega-Shapes. Draw a path for the road, draw a cross section and then loft a road. Want more detail? Then loft a barrier and it will automatically conform to the road surface. Slide the barriers in or out, scale them, twist them – your imagination's the only limit! Use the powerful rail clone feature to repeat and position sets of objects along your road, like fences, power-lines, trees, etc! 
Mega-Shapes also gives you a scatter system that will take any objects you choose and scatter them along your road and have them automatically conform to the existing mesh's surface.


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